It allows us to maximize impact and sleep well at night.
Combined with BDD/TDD, it makes us more productive and our products even better.
It ensures high quality and allows knowledge to propagate.
You're free to use the tools you love the most (MacBook, vim, etc).
We share insights from various projects and blogs.
This is how we deal with changing requirements.
It allows us to maximize impact and sleep well at night.
Combined with BDD/TDD, it makes us more productive and our products even better.
It ensures high quality and allows knowledge to propagate.
You're free to use the tools you love the most (MacBook, vim, etc).
We share insights from various projects and blogs.
This is how we deal with changing requirements.
We send you a task/problem to solve, there is no time limit nor only one solution.
We would like to get know you better, talk about your experience and expectations.
We get back to you within a few days (sometimes hours) to get you on board.
We send you a task/problem to solve, there is no time limit nor only one solution.
We would like to get know you better, talk about your experience and expectations.
We get back to you within a few days (sometimes hours) to get you on board.
See if Brainhub is the company you want to work with. Review our rates, current availability and client references.
See if Brainhub is the company you want to work with. Review our rates, current availability and client references.
Brainhub is about people who trust me and my work, and who will help me whenever I need it. It is this trust, openness and assumption of good intentions that for me are the most important characteristics of our team.
Working at Brainhub turned out to be exactly what I expected from the job ad. From the very beginning, I've had huge support from the team: every new junior developer gets the help of a dedicated mentor who consult on technical issues or problems.
What I like most here is real teamwork without creating any information silos. We help each other, we collaborate and we are a team working together towards one goal.
Brainhub is a place where I can fully use my skills to solve problems and have a direct impact on the organizational challenges involved. It's also a place where I can work with smart, proactive and trustworthy people.
Brainhub is about people who trust me and my work, and who will help me whenever I need it. It is this trust, openness and assumption of good intentions that for me are the most important characteristics of our team.
Working at Brainhub turned out to be exactly what I expected from the job ad. From the very beginning, I've had huge support from the team: every new junior developer gets the help of a dedicated mentor who consult on technical issues or problems.
What I like most here is real teamwork without creating any information silos. We help each other, we collaborate and we are a team working together towards one goal.
Brainhub is a place where I can fully use my skills to solve problems and have a direct impact on the organizational challenges involved. It's also a place where I can work with smart, proactive and trustworthy people.
7 years ago we made a decision: to be the best, you need to focus. Since then, we're 100% devoted to JavaScript, which allows us to attract the best talent on the market.
The people from Brainhub are highly-skilled in React and Node.js and they work hard to achieve our goals.
Brainhub have been working without needing a lot of assistance, and only asking the right questions.
It’s critical that Brainhub understands the context of the project and is treated as part of the team.
They’re technical experts who aren’t afraid to speak up when they think something isn’t working.
I’ve been working on Scribi for 3 years - in two and a half hours they helped me refine my project even more.
They have excellent React.js knowledge
Companies from fintech, healthcare, education, game dev, IoT and martech work with us to grow their business through great software.
W Brainhubie rola DevOps Engineera to więcej niż realizacja tasków. Cenimy proaktywność, budujemy autonomię innych zespołów i chętnie dzielimy się wiedzą
Przyszedłem już z jakimś bagażem wiedzy, a nauczyłem się przez kilka miesięcy więcej niż gdzie indziej w kilka lat. BH to zespół ludzi, którzy chcą się rozwijać. Chętnie pomogą, wysłuchają i zmienią się, jeśli krytyka jest konstruktywna.
BH to fajne miejsce, żeby uczyć się od innych, ale też żeby dzielić się wcześniej zdobytą wiedzą i doświadczeniem. Firma stawia na otwartą komunikację i częsty feedback.
Lubię pracować wśród ludzi, którzy rozumieją, że najważniejsze są dwie rzeczy: jak budować produkt dobrze i jak budować dobry produkt. Dlatego w Brainhubie nie robimy ani ficzerozy, ani po łebkach. Dowozimy wartość użytkownikom końcowym poprzez staranną analizę ich potrzeb.
W Domenie Analysis, User & Design działamy nie tylko w codziennej, projektowej pracy w rolach BA czy UX - ale także zgodnie z konceptem continuous product discovery. Jeżeli szukasz ciekawych projektów, otwartych i chętnie dzielących się wiedzą ludzi, a to wszystko przy zachowaniu work-life balance, to BH to właściwe miejsce.
Dzięki temu, że w Brainhubie staramy się, aby cały zespół był świadomy wymagań i potrzeb biznesowych oraz procesu ich zbierania, to już na etapie zbierania wymagań dyskutujemy z klientem o tym, jakie problemy może stworzyć nowa funkcjonalność, gdzie konfliktuje z istniejącymi funkcjami i jak te problemy rozwiązać.